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Titan Performance Training

Middle School Athletics -
School Year 2024-2025

 Titan Performance Training: 7th - 8th Grade

  • When: Mondays & Wednesdays 3:15-4:15 starting January 6th thru March 19th
  • Where: TC West Senior High Weight Room
  • Cost: $220: Limited to the first 40 registrants. Sign up now!
  • Transportation: Bus #607 will be at the end of the bus line near the 6th-grade wing. This bus will be available to take WMS students to WSH for this event.

 Titan Performance Training: 6th Grade

  • When: Training days are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45 to 3:45pm starting January 14th thru March 19th
  • Where: TC West Middle School Weight Room
  • Cost: $220: Limited to the first 40 registrants. Sign up now!

Titan Middle School Performance Training is open to all 7th - 8th grade boys and girls. You do not need to play sports to participate in this program.

Our Titan Performance Training staff is extremely excited to begin our new Training Program for Middle Schoolers. We’ll be teaching movement proficiency and safe-effective performance training concepts which are necessary for our optimal performance.

Our training sessions will take place in our Traverse City West High School Weight Room.

Because of time constraints and resources, this program will be able to offer our kids a progressive design compared to what is being offered during the day in our gym classes.

Important Aspects of our Training:

  1. Acceleration and Sprint Mechanics
  2. Agility Mechanics
  3. Jumping
  4. Throwing
  5. Age Appropriate Strength Training
  6. “Safe, Comprehensive, Progressive, Effective, Efficient, Together” Titan Performance Training

Program Start & End Dates:

This is going to be a year-round program broken into smaller training blocks. Each training block will be approximately 20 sessions or 3 months. We will communicate schedule changes and important updates throughout the session. Each block must be paid separately.

Session 1: January - March 

Important: Please follow TCWTitanTraining on Instagram and Traverse City West Titan Performance Training on Facebook for important updates.

Coaching Staff 

Our Titan Performance Coaching Staff brings several decades of high school, collegiate, and professional experience. We’re extremely excited to get this program started and to begin coaching out future Titans!

  • Coach Adam Stoyanoff is the Director of Titan Performance Training, Traverse City West’s Athletic Performance Training classes that are held throughout the day during High School.

    West Senior High Staff:
  • Coach Matt Bocian is our Varsity Titan Baseball Coach and is Coaching during the day in our Titan Performance Training classes.
  • Coach James Wagner is our Varsity Titan Football Coach and is Coaching during the day in our Titan Performance Training classes.

    West Middle School Staff:
  • Coach Jordan Stevenson is the Lead Titan Performance Training Coach at Traverse City West Middle School and coaches High School Football as well as Middle School Basketball.
  • Coach Eric Quine is an HPE and weights teacher at West Middle School. Eric also coaches Middle School Football and Basketball. 

  Questions? Contact: Coach Adam Stoyanoff -

Equipment Needed:

  • Water Bottle
    • We have water fountains available, but urge our future Titans to develop the habit of having their own water bottle.
  • Athletic shoes (No crocs, boots or slip-ons)
    • Please do not bring shoes with excessive salt or snow on them.
  • Athletic attire
    • Clothing that is comfortable performing physical activity in (ie. workout clothes)
    • Shorts/Sweatpants/T-shirt
    • Hats are not allowed while training.

Participation Fee

  • Cost: $220.00 per Training Block
    • Our 1st Training Block will run from January to March 19th 
    • To assure safety, effectiveness and efficiency, our 1st Training Block will be limited to 40 athletes.

NOTE: Payment is required at the time of registration. You may register online using a Discover, MasterCard, Visa, or ACH (via a checking or savings account) please register below. Registration is not complete until your course appears in your dashboard. You will also receive an email from Eleyo confirming your registration. If you do not receive the confirmation email or see the course in your dashboard, be sure you have not left any course items in your shopping basket. If you need assistance please call the LEAP office (231.933.7480).

7-8-Session 1 Closed

  Adam Gabriel Stoyanoff

TC West Senior High School
Mon/Wed, Jan 6 - Mar 19
3:15 - 4:15 PM


Grades   7th - 8th

$ 220.00
Titan Performance Training Block 1

Online registration is over