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About Tennis
Tennis brings students together in teams to play singles, doubles, and mixed doubles against other teams. Middle school tennis is six weeks in length and will begin in April.

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  • Girls Tennis (Grades 6-8)

    About Middle School Tennis LEAP middle school team tennis is open to all boys and girls in 6th - 8th Grade. Team tennis brings students together in teams to play singles, doubles, and mixed doubles against other teams. The middle school tennis season is six weeks in length. Season Start & End Dates Monday, March 31st, 2024 - Friday, May 30th, 2025. Practice Schedules East Middle School EMS Girls Tennis Pre-Season Meeting: Preseason Meeting: Wednesday April 2nd after school until 3:15 in Mr. Schafer's room. Coach Schafer will send a follow-up email with all information covered in the meeting for anyone that is unable to attend. First Practice: Wednesday April 7th Mondays from 5:30 - 7 pm @ Central High School Tennis Courts Wednesdays from 2:45 - 4:15 pm @ EMS Tennis Courts Fridays from 2:45 - 4:15 pm @ EMS Tennis Courts Players should meet at the tennis courts. Practice will always be outside, but on questionable days, please listen to announcements for any changes. Match play will begin on Friday, April 18th (weather permitting). All matches will be played at either EMS or WMS. Once players have been divided into teams, exact schedules and locations will be communicated by your coach. Match play will conclude on Friday, May 16th. What to bring: Tennis racquet (if you have one) Tennis shoes and water bottle. Dress appropriately for the weather (layers) West Middle School WMS GIRLS Preseason Meeting: Wednesday April 2nd 2:45 - 3:15pm First Practice: Wednesday April 7th Mondays/Wednesday/Friday: 2:45 - 4:15 pm @ West Middle School Tennis Courts First Practice: Meet in the Big Gym, bring chrome book. Friday MATCH DAY: Begins on Friday, April 18th (weather permitting). All matches will be played at either EMS or WMS. Once players have been divided into teams, exact schedules and locations will be communicated by your coach. Match play will conclude on Friday, May 16th. Practice will always be outside, but on questionable days, please listen to announcements for any changes. Email to families detailing more information as season approaches. What to bring: Tennis racquet (if you have one) Tennis shoes and water bottle Dress appropriately for the weather (layers!) Match play begins on Friday, April 18 and runs for 6 weeks (weather dependent) from the start of practice. Exact schedules TBD. Head Coaches East Middle School Andrew Schafer West Middle School Liz Schoolmaster 3 STEP ENROLLMENT PROCESS: 1) Registration & Payment (Eleyo) Select the correct registration buttons below calendars on this page. This will take you to your Eleyo login to Register. (EMS = Purple Box WMS = Green Box) Deadline: Friday, March 14, 2025 TCAPS Students: $140.00 Reduced fees are available to TCAPS students who qualify for the free and reduced meals program: Reduced Meals Participation Fee: $70.00if registered by the deadline Free Meals Participation Fee: $40.00 if registered by the deadline TCAPS shared-time students: $178.00 TC Christian, Trinity Lutheran, GTACS, Children’s House Non-shared time students: $199.00 Grand Traverse Academy, Greenspire, Homeschool, Pathfinder, Woodland **Reduced Rates are not available for any Non-TCAPS students.** NOTE: Registration deadlines are final. Late registrations may not be accepted after the posted registration close date. If late registration is available, there will be a $25.00 late fee added to the cost of registration. Payment is required at the time of registration. You may register online using a Credit or Debit Card. Payment with cash or check can be made at the LEAP office located at: Traverse City East Middle School. If you did not receive an email from Eleyo or see your course in your dashboard, first check to be sure you have not left any course items in your shopping basket. If you did not receive a payment confirmation email directly from Eleyo, the payment did not process and your student is not yet registered. (**check your junk/spam) If you need assistance please call the LEAP office (231.933.7480). 2) Create or Update your account in FinalForms: ALL STUDENTS MUST REGISTER FOR A FINAL FORMS ACCOUNT IN ADDITION TO REGISTERING/PAYING Please register at: and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students, and sign your forms. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click “Use Support,” or feel free to contact our office. NOTE: During parent registration, you will need to input your students’ TCAPS email address. 3) Turn in a Current Sports Physical: Middle School Athletes must have an updated physical on file each school year. Sports physicals must be dated April 15th, 2024 or later, & can be used for the entire 2024 - 25 school year. Your athlete MAY NOT attend practices/evaluations etc. until this is on file. Physicals can be uploaded into your FinalForms account or emailed to Bobbi Jo Lawrence. Need a new physical? Download and print the TCAPS physical form here and then call your family physician or the TCAPS Student Health Center at (231-642-5291) to schedule a physical for your child. If you have questions about any of these items or are not sure you have completed the registration process please email: - include your students name, school and grade. Thank you!